Tip Junkie is having a contest for the "word" of 2009. http://www.tipjunkie.blogspot.com/

When I first saw this on Tabetha's blog I was very intrigued at what her word was and what she had to say....her word for 2009 is "relax". I started thinking of what my "word" would be for the new year and I tossed around "enlightened," "pure," "inspire," "potential," and "vital," all beautiful words, but the one that my heart spoke was "aspire." Picking my word for 2009 and defining it for my life and sharing it with all of you is a great experience and I encourage you to find your WORD, whatever it may be, and share it with others. Thanks Tabetha.

ASPIRE....as·pir'er To have a great ambition or ultimate goal;
To have a fervent hope or aspiration: dream. Idioms: reach for the stars, set one's heart on. To strive toward a goal: aim, seek. Idioms: set one's sights on. To soar.
To have a fervent hope or aspiration: dream. Idioms: reach for the stars, set one's heart on. To strive toward a goal: aim, seek. Idioms: set one's sights on. To soar.

to be a good FRIEND....
to be the BEST at whatever you do.....
to live a full, and meaningful LIFE...
to LIVE an imPOSSIBLE dream...
to BELIEVE....
to LOVE....
to LAUGH....
to be HAPPY with YOU...
to be TRUE...

Thanks for sharinng this